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Integral Ecology and Ecological Consciousness

At this time of urgent and dire ecological crisis humanity stands poised to destroy the planet unless we adapt our consciousness to the needs of Earth's living systems.  Ending planetary and environmental destruction necessitates an end to the systems and processes of destruction brought about by capitalism. Perhaps the single most spiritual revelation is that we are one with the cosmos, Earth, and each other. By embracing our inherent interconnectedness we can, as CosmoGaian beings, co-create beautiful, flourishing realities based on love in which the ails brought about by a dominant masculine archetypal consciousness, manifesting in patriarchal forms, is integrated and transformed into a radiant and exalted form of being that stands as guardian, caretaker, and sovereign lover of the Cosmos, Earth, and all its living beings and systems. 

Sean Kelly's Becoming Gaia is an important books about integral ecology, ecological consciousness, and the need to adapt Gaian consciousness as a concrete universality to meet the metacrises of our times.

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I was accepted to UC Berkeley in the Philosophy undergraduate program in the 90s based on my essay about ecological consciousness and the urgency of facing our impending ecological catastrophes through an evolution and shift of consciousness. That consciousness is also known as Gaian consciousness, integral consciousness, and ecological consciousness.

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Yale Religions & Ecology Certificate

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Recipient of the Munay-Ki Rites of the Incan Shaman, including the Earthkeeper Rite
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