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Ending Capitalism

Economies should be modeled thus that everyone gets what they need: food, water, shelter, medical care, health care, education, clothing, dignity, freedom from persecution, freedom from oppression, and the resources and opportunities to flourish and actualize potentials for beauty, love, truth, and good.

To the extent that capitalism, as an economic model and process of organizing and distributing wealth and resources, operates on the principle of accumulation and profit, it necessarily exploits and alienates all beings, systems, and processes it touches. By commodifying everything, capitalism turns everything into a means to extract value. Thus, capitalism is unethical, dehumanizing, and destructive entity that must be ended  and transcended.

Karl Marx wrote about the idea that through intercourse and discourse we can find a way to transcend our current state. He describes the materialist conception of history and how we must see that the basic needs that humans have must be considered when looking at political economies. Understanding how the division of labor under capitalism and the forces of production alienate us and dehumanize us can liberate us. He says that it is only through “intercourse” about our state of oppression under capitalism that we can shift and change the conditions of our existence. “The first task is one of linguistic rigor”  (Marx, K. [2000] German Ideology, Part D. Forms of Intercourse. Electric Book Company.)

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